
Skype download windows 8 desktop
Skype download windows 8 desktop

Skype for Windows 8 also includes a lots of fun, animated emoticons, which are sure to please emoji lovers. Your recent calls, favorites, and contacts are all available from the home screen and you can change your Skype status on the top right. The interface may look a bit empty compared to older versions of Skype but Microsoft has streamlined it with a more organized interface, making all the features more easily accessible. Skype for Windows 8 also supports free group calls and screen sharing for up to 10 people - a feature previously only available to premium users. With a good connection on both ends, calls should be loud and clear with video starting quickly - although you may experience some frozen frames and video buffering from time to time. Skype's blog post says you can find the app "on your new Windows 8 device and or download it from the Windows Store," so it may be pre-installed on some new Windows hardware.The call and video quality on Skype for Windows 8 is generally excellent, although much depends on your internet connection. Skype for Windows 8 will be available on October 26, the same day that Microsoft's new operating system launches. Users can connect Skype to the People app by logging into Skype with a Microsoft account. Outside of the app itself, Skype integrates with Windows 8's People app, which acts as a central location for email addresses, phone numbers and other contact methods. A Skype representative says the company is working to support sharing from the Windows 8 charms menu in the future. The CAPability to grab links or photos from within other apps and send them to a Skype contact would certainly be useful, especially while a conversation is snapped to the sidebar. One thing that's missing from Skype's Windows 8 app is support for the Share charm, which lets any two apps share information with one another.

skype download windows 8 desktop

The sidebar shows a portrait view of the person on the other end, with a thumbnail view of the user underneath.

skype download windows 8 desktop

Users can drag the app to the right or left sidebar, and continue to see their video calls while using other apps. Perhaps the most useful feature in Skype's Windows 8 app is its support for Snap.

Skype download windows 8 desktop